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tv   ABC7 News on KOFY 1130PM  KOFY  November 12, 2013 11:30pm-12:01am PST

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[ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. some are giant. some not so giant. when managing your weight, bigger is always better. ♪ ho ho ho wander the halls of an east bay elementary school just by saying he was there to meet a parent so they could pick up her daughter. the intruder was caught on video and as a result the school is now overhauling its security procedures. good evening. i'm dan ashley. >> i'm carolyn johnson. it happened on argyle road last week. alan wang is live with more on this. alan? >> carolyn and dan, no students were actually harmed here, but as you can imagine it was a very frightening experience for parents because of the age we live in.
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uh -- uh ready coulding to the sheriff's department the man lied to front office workers and then revealed just how vulnerable the school was. >> i was extremely frightened when i got the call. i never made revisions and then got a call from a come plea stranger joy she was at work when this unidentified man told administrators he was waiting for her so they could pick up her daughter. he knew who my daughter was. he stated her by name. >> apparently it was enough for the school to give this man a visitor's pass. he never gave his full name and he wandered all over campus before disappearing. >> how close was he to the kids? >> he was in arm's reach. he could walk up and touch one of the kids. i heard from one of the parents he was talking to some of the fifth graders. >> school principal scott wells denied an on-line interview, but says they are reviewing the procedures. >> the kids are on lock down and they went ahead and
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alerted all of the parents. >> despite the slip up, she is satisfied with the school's response. they held a safety meeting last night and they added more surveillance cameras and now require people to show id to show they are on a list to pick up students. the sheriff's department is still looking for this man. at -- alan wang, ababc7 news. >> eight people died when a wall fell on them as thousands overwhelmed by hunger stormed stormed a rice warehouse. aid efforts are ramming up with the george washington and four other u.s. ships arriving tomorrow. the philippine government tonight reports 1833 deaths with the expected death toll lowered now to 2500. abc7 news reporter lisa amin gulezian is live where people were returning from and leaving for the philippines. lisa?
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>> people right here are desperate to get over there. right now a round trip ticket cost $1500. many are grabbing a bag and some cash and flying to the philippines. >> just brought a backpack. we have a tent and a sleeping bag in case. >> they are rushing to catch the last flight to the philippines tonight. they bought their ticket a few hours ago after getting confirmation that raymond's parents are alive. >> they are soaking wet, but they couldn't leave the house because no one is helping them. it is like to each his own. >> this duffel back is packed with medicine. they are from there and will land in manila tomorrow. they don't know how they will get to their hometown about 350 miles away where their family home has crumbled. their business is still standing, but barely.
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>> it is really torn apart. it is unsafe. my brothers wants to go back and look for our employees, but i say don't go yet. >> the death toll is rides rising and the confusion is growing. they are going to see their families, but also to help. friends and family in the bay area have given them money to take back with them. >> i grew up there. i don't know what to expect. i just want to help out. >> escaping is nearly impossible right now. those arriving on flight 104 from manila weren't hit by the typhoon. >> it is really hard to see what is happening in our country. >> but it has still left an impact. lisa amin gulezian, abc7 news. >> now if you would like to donate to the relief efforts you know people would like to help. go to and it is under see it on tv. and a police chase that ended in a serious crash in
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richmond. they lost the suspect's car moments before the collision. take a look. it was so intense and you can see it from sky 7hd. they had to use the jaws of life on the black car to free the victims. two people in the car were seriously hurt when the suspect car slammed into them. they arrested two people in the suspect vehicle, a passenger and driver who officers say is a gang member wanted for a number of felonies. a third suspect is on the run. things got heated at oakland city hall over a proposed curfew for goff niles. noel gallos wants minors under 18 years of age off the streets from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. and school days from 8:30 in the morning until 1:30 in the afternoon. opponents are criticizing the plan saying all young people will be unfairly profiled by police. the warriors unveiled a new design for their proposed arena along the san francisco waterfront. it is planned for piers 30 and 32.
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tonight they had their first look at it and gave it mixed reviews. john alston is live with the story. >> it was another sales pitch before the citizens group. if the arena is built on this pier it would not only host the warriors, but 200 events every year. 10* people who live around here are not thrilled about that. is. >> this is the first view of the sketches we have been working on. >> it had its debut in front of a mixed crowd of opponents. it is a scaled back version of the venue planned for the vacant pier below the bay bridge. the size of the building will be slightly smaller and the top edge will be lower. and there will be an extra acre of green space on the pier. but all of that didn't silence critics who live nearby. >> it would be jammed solid with cars. you won't be able to exit your property, get to your property and come back from a day
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away. if they are having a project they will be locked to 280 somewhere. >> the warriors have tried to make those concerns go away. >> with bart and muni and cal train and the trans bay terminal that opens in 2017. >> industry has changed and the retail are two vital industries today. i have to commend the plan. >> that final decisions are expected for some time. the warriors would like the arena in place for the 2017-2018 season. johnal stone, abc7 news. your help is needed to find a missing college student. he was last seen in the bay view district. he was headed to class but he never made it. he is 5 feet 10 and weighs about 185 pounds. he was last seen wearing black-rimmed glasses as you can see here and a blue north face pullover jacket and dark
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jeans and red, white and black nike shoes. a quake half vegged power plant -- ravaged power plant spewing radiation into the ocean. is the bay area safe? a threat no one wants to talk about. >> and you will hear about a northern california woman kidnapped and forced to be part of an exer civil. >> and she was the face of obamacare. everybody has been looking for her. abc news tracks down the so-called glitch girl. >> i'm meteorologist sandhya patel. temperatures are lower than last night. who will feel the chill in the who will feel the chill in the morning and what the weekend
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soon, californians from to salinas to san diego will have equal access to quality health insurance. those who need financial assistance will get it. and nobody will be denied because of a pre-existing condition. welcome to a new state of health. welcome to covered california. we are your health insurance marketplace. enroll today at
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news right now. there is a power outage at the casino in roanoke park. the surrounding area is also affected by the outage. 3600 customers total are affected. we will update the story on twitter. you can follow at abc7 news bay area. the earthquake and tsunami that struck japan in march of 2011 caused billions of dollars in damage and wrecked the fukushima nuclear plant on the coast. it continues to spew radiation, some say an even bigger nuclear disaster could be coming.
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one that could threaten us in the bay area. >> march 11th, 2011, a 9.0 quake hits, the strongest in japan. and then we watched a monstrous tsunami annihilate the most prepared country in the world. i saw firsthand the enormous devastation. entire towns wiped out. piles of rubble 30 feet high. the third part of the disaster has the potential to be the worst of all. the damage is almost invisible. the few could fukushima nuclear power plant continues to spew radiation. thousands of miles from los angeles, but not far enough. deformities are showing up in japanese butterflies. one striving fishing industry near the plant is shutdown. species labeled too radio
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active to eat. and there is the human toll, 160,000 families were forced from their radio active homes. many paying their mortgages even though they will likely never live there again. few could you shy -- few you could you she ma is an enormous problem. >> there is hundreds of gallons of radio active water every day. >> he is the president for the institute of environmental research who confirmed that the ocean currents are carrying the radio active water to the west coast. according to a study published in the journal "deep sea research 1" it will start arriving this coming march. but don't panic. it will be diluted and the levels on the west coast will be very low and not considered dangerous, so far. but the question is will we really know? >> i think we should do a
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better monitor pg of food. i don't think the fda and epa are doing a good enough job. >> it is not what has happened, but what could still happen. every day is an effort to keep the plant down. tokyo electric and power or tepco is and they are a for profit company. >> they don't want to take the wrong point to save the money. >> he came to america to shine the light on what he feels is a flawed approach. >> clean up job is too large for their capability. >> he is one of the many experts who says this is a bad solution and a melt down is still possible. the professor of clinical family medicine at ucla.
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>> it is like the fox overseeing the chicken coup and that's a huge problem. >> they refused international help. that's unwise. >> it is the biggest ticking time bomb in history. the damaged plant is in no condition to withstand 509 -- another earthquake or tsunami. this was what happened when the first sea wall struck. it was shattered. as we know provided little protection. the tsunami flooded the plant and cutoff the power and the melt down was on the way. the defenses today are far less. just last week one of canada's top environmental scientists described what would happen if a massive quake did hit today. >> everybody on the west coast of north america should evacuate.
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if that is not terrifying, i don't know what is. >> less than two weeks ago a 7.1 quake that generated a small tsunami did hit that region of japan. luckily it did not further damage fukushima, but it is tense moments. reminder, there is little room for error when an earthquake can strike at anytime. and two stock 10 men are -- stockton men are accused of kid p thatting a woman and performing an exer civil on her. she was taken by her estranged husband and his son from a wal-mart parking lot on saturday. they have been separated since january, but she recently started seeing someone else. they held her down in the backseat while a pastor she knew took her to a church. >> they were bathing me in oil. they made me swallow some. i started to throw up. he said you have the devil and
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get off of her. >> she managed to send a text to her boyfriend alerting him she was in trouble. after the so-called exer civil she was taken home where the police were waiting. the pastor was not charged. abc news has an interview with a mysterious woman who is the face of the obamacare website. her image suddenly disappeared from the website and the white house is not revealing her name. she will speak out on "good morning america" beginning at 7:00. >> she is suddenly called the gliff girl. dash the glitch girl. >> she is famous now. let's talk about the weather forecast. >> sandhya patel is here with what could be a change ahead. >> yes. and the change, carolyn and dan, is now that the computer models are in driment which means your weekend is going to be dry as of now. some fog showing up on half moon bay where the visibility has dropped to six miles.
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whoa have the coldest -- we have the coldest air of the season. freeze warnings across the south. this arctic blast is dropping the temperatures and check out how cold it is right now. 23 in chicago and mid30s in dallas and freezing cold in atlanta. much of the south and the east coast are dealing with the cold, cold conditions tomorrow morning. if you are traveling there pack accordingly. it really puts our weather into perspective. terrific visibility. our temperatures are quite comfortable. 57 in san francisco. 58 oakland. the exploratorium camera visibility is looking fine right now. fog could be a problem in sports tomorrow morning. in spots tomorrow morning. fairfield, concord, livermore, all in the low 50s. from our emeryville camera we are looking across the bay and
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mainly clear. sunny and mild weather tomorrow and changes are coming for the weekend. you look at the satellite and radar and there was an unimpressive system that fizzled. it did manage to squeeze out some light showers and sprinkles this morning. there were damp roadways in the commute. now it doesn't look like we will get anything. patchy fog tomorrow morning. this is a short-term forecast. high clouds tomorrow and sunshine. high temperatures in the 60s and 70s. you can see the system coming in from the north. it doesn't bring us any rain. now the computer model that is indicating rine is dry. we will go cooler and breezier for your weekend. tomorrow morning make sure you bundle up. chilliest locations in the north bay valleys. looking at low 40s. most other areas low 40s to low 50s. and could see a few patches of fog midcoast.
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low to mid70s so it is seasonal weather for wednesday. slightly cooler going into the end of the workweek and by the weekend midto upper 50s and temperatures will rise slightly early next week. carl lynn and dan? -- carolyn, dan? >> let's switch gears and talk basketball. >> larry beil is here. >> it is a fun night for basketball fans. wewe'll show you the number one pick in the nba draft. and the warriors aree
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warriors are back home after a a four-game road trip and they cruised to a wire to wire victory over the pistons tonight. his customary role and steph
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curry with a bounce pass here to the jam and 8 points and nine boards. it is behind the back to david leigh. warriors are up and he had 11 assists. lee was 17 points and curry leading the way. 360 spin and a one handed reverse. this is like anybody's highlight real you. reel. i like this. i own this. >> the men's team is hosting denver first half. he is passing with flare between the legs to jordan matthews. tyrone wallace no, but he had 15 as they crush the pioneers 77-50. big time number one kentucky and michigan state and the spartans started out strong and they came back to tie it at 66. but he had the corner of three
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and he had 22 points. kansas and number four duke a battle of fantastic freshmen. between three guys and scores. with authority. finished with 27. could be the number one pick. if not it is andrew wiggins also a frosh. two hand to finish it off. kansas pulls away late. it was a fantastic night of hoops. the sharks change it up. they start it in the net for the second time this season. it is half off wig night. they dominate the first 40 minutes and it is a power play goal and a seven-game personal score less drought. right here bad luck as cam larry larry -- cam ma larry
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and found h on his stick. and joe thorton shoots and scores. and that wins it 3-2. the 49ers play the saints and vernon davis hopes to play in the game despite the concussion he suffered in the loss to the panthers. if it is up to him, well he is playing. >> still okay. i have to wait until the middle of the week to clear me and i will get back to work of the -- to work. i feel like i can play. again i have to listen to the experts that's their job. >> and you have to pass the test. abc sports brought to you by riverwalk casino. >> great hoops. that was fun. >> thanks. scoring extra points with deserving young people. >>
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12:00 am
warmly. here is a look at your wake up weather. temperatures are 40s, 50s, mike nicco is here 4:30 to 7:00 a.m. kids in the south bay were treated to a big surprise today courtesey of the san francisco 49ers. >> 49 bikes hand made by several players and were delivered to kids in santa clara. >> the niners teamed up with the nonprofit turning wheels for kids as well as the health services company to assemble these new wheels. pretty cool. >> smiling faces. coming up next on jimmy kimmle, robin williams. >> i'm carolyn johnson. thanks for joining us. >> i'm dan ashley. we appreciate your time. abc7 news continues on-line, twitter, facebook and your mobile devices. good night, every


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